Saturday, August 8, 2009

Denmark vs Sweden (4th August)

In keeping with our well established travelling policy of finding something tall in every city to climb up for views, we went up the Round Tower (genius name btw) which is the observatory in the center of town. The breakfast had us full -so Shona picked up her (Danish) pastry for later on. Again the Copenhagen card got us into the National Museum, where we went to find out about Danish history. It was actually very boring and we again realised why museums aren't our thing. We left without seeing everything, to head north to the aquarium. Aquariums and zoos are definitely more our thing and although it's not as cool as Kelly Tarlton's, it was worth the visit. This was helped by the fact that they had touch pools, which must be terribly traumatic for the creatures -but we both got to touch a crab. Sadly there was no more time left to explore so we headed out to the airport. Shona loves to get to the gate nice and early to sit and read or blog, while Mike likes to wander around the airport looking at stuff. Sadly this meant that it was Mike that spotted the free manicure station and not Shona (not we're saying that he got one mind you). Stockholm airport was a complete surprise, it's in need of more than a manicure and the baggage claim was like a scene out of the movie The Langolieres -with dozens and dozens of unclaimed bags falling off the carousels with no one around to get them. This is of course accompanied by the usual announcement over the loudspeaker "please do not leave luggage unattended", it all makes no sense to us as we didn't even go through immigration, so no idea what happened to all the people off those planes! Some dramas getting the bus into the city -but again the bi-lingual nature of the place, combined with friendly locals saves the day... we come across a total of 6 people searching for accommodation on our walk to our hostel -Shona's detailed planning for this trip once again proving it's merit! Our private room for the next three nights is a port side cabin on the Red Boat Malaren, with wonderful views across the harbour to Stockholm and Gamla Stan (old town). It's 10pm by this point and we're becoming Hangry Marvins (feel free to post a comment or email if you know what that expression means!) so we head south up the hill based on the hostel receptionist's recommendation. We find a nice restaurant where the lasagna and carbonara is accompanied by massive bowl of parmesan (maybe 3 cups worth?) which combined with carlsberg, baileys, the best shower on the trip thus far and the rocking motion of the boat makes for a very very good sleep!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm - is a hangry marvin like a "starvin' marvin"? Otherwise, I presume it's just the Carlsberg and Baileys talking.
