Friday, August 14, 2009

Day of rest (10th August)

Wow -what a totally wretched experience this tummy bug has been! From the moment it hit at around midday on Sunday we were both pretty much written off, to the extent that packing up to leave Urs' studio for Michele's apartment (yesterday) took an absolutely Herculean effort. Mike seemed to get hit slightly earlier and initially slightly worse, however on day two Shona well and truly caught up and therefore today has been about as little energy being used as possible. After a pretty cruddy sleep on a super comfy bed we were up and moving at around midday -however our sightseeing didn't extend any further than the supermarket just up the road. By 'just up the road' I would usually mean 5 minutes walk -however today that was more like 20 mins of stumbling. Mike is definitely feeling a bit better -better enough to slice off a decent chunk of his 1100g pizza for 5pm breakfast... hopefully keeping some food down will help on the lethargy front. We did manage to find wifi on our walk -so it was good to at least be able to do some research for tomorrow, otherwise we may have found that 3 days in a row were unproductive!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Guys, looks like you have been keeping up a very hectic pace while you've been away, I think the body is telling you to slow down a bit and take some down time, otherwise this may happen again. I know you want to see and do so much but you are obviously run down and that's why you picked up the bug, so look after yourselves!!!
