Saturday, August 8, 2009

Archipelago-go-go (5th August)

No time for food as we scream across Gamla Stan to the ferry terminal to make the 8:30 boat that goes out into the archipelago. Not sure what the exact definition of that word is -but "crap load of very very cool little islands" gives a rough impression of what we're talking about. Sadly NO photo can do this place justice -so you're all going to have to go and book a flight over here, to find out just how brilliant and spectacular this place is. Especially Tim -you and Melinda would have an amazing time out on a boat getting lost in this maze of water and granite! We decide to get off at Finnhamn, one of the larger islands that has a restaurant and (in summer) 80 bed hostel. Lunch options are fried herring, grilled herring, traditional Swedish potato and bacon meal, steamed herring or herring... so we order, eat and wash it down with more Carlsberg and wine, before heading to the hostel to get the row boat we'd booked for 2pm. We'd already explored the main island a bit and had a spotted a secluded little island that we thought we could voyage to... so we did :o) Mike did the rowing and it was definitely more fun than the motorboat option and with 4 hours up our sleeves there was no Rob Waddell impersonation required. Once we moored to 'our island' we found a spot with no ants and proceeded to get all heated up in the sun on the rock. A swim was definitely needed afterwards and we must have looked a bit of a sight going in with our life jackets on... not because it was at all dangerous -just because that way we could just bob along without even needing to waste energy kicking! A lap of honour was then in order and we made our way back to the big island for ice cream, fruit and another stroll around this little piece of paradise. If the scenery on the way out was great -it was even better once we left as we sat on the top deck and went further out to Moja, before making our way back over 2 hours to Stockholm in the setting sun. We can not over state just how brilliant today really was!


  1. An archipelago (pronounced /ɑrkɨˈpɛləɡoʊ/) is a chain or cluster of islands that are formed tectonically.

    So - yes - crapload of little islands!

  2. Nice to hear the continuing "foodie" info during you trip!!

  3. Staying on the boat and rowing around the islands sounds pretty idyllic to me!

  4. Haha -especially if someone else is doing the rowing right mum?
