Friday, August 7, 2009

The Big Top's Coming to Town (3rd August)

Having become well and truly sick of toast and cereal for breakfast -it was a welcome relief to find that this hostel provides a much more substantial spread. The Danes eat well and the brie, breads, meats, fruit and yogurt (plus chocolate to clean the palate) was very well received and almost made up for the fact that Shona had to walk through the dining room to get to the showers! First stop was intended to be the Chocolate museum, although something was lost in translation and it turned out to be a history of Danish Workers' museum, with the possibility to get a hot chocolate at the coffee shop inside. Disappointing? Not totally as the exhibit was quite interesting, then Shona decided to get a coffee on the way back to the subway... one cup costing the equivalent of $12NZ.Rosenburg Slot is a royal castle and home to the Danish Crown Jewels, as well as many of the other national treasures and collections of stupidly ornate and ridiculously impressive furniture, weapons, clocks, thrones and anything else worth putting carvings and precious metal on. Basically a building that Asher could spend a month ooing and ahing over the detail of... plus another chance to get a photo of Mike with a uniformed guard! Next stop Cirkus Muskeet and yes John... that IS a Circus Museum! Because it's a museum it is more history and collections than real life clowns and acrobats (by the way we found out that that word used to ONLY apply to tight rope walkers) but was definitely worth the visit, even though it was a bit of mission to get out there!Mike couldn't go to Denmark and not have a Carlsberg, plus it was a great way to wash down our authentic Danish Donor Kebabs! haha. Even the persistent drizzle couldn't get us down, although it did result in a detour back to the hostel to change out of the world's slipperiest when wettest jandels before going to the pride of Copenhagen tourism -Trivoli Gardens. The world's first amusement park is actually a beautiful combination of flower gardens, restaurants, entertainment and rides -all in the heart of the city. We had free entry into the park with the Copenhagen card, but couldn't justify the 420DKK it would have been for us both to do all the rides... had we not already done 6 flags and Coney Island on this trip it would have been a different story as some of the rides DID look pretty damn brilliant! Massive massive bonus for the day was the first pantomime we saw at the peacock stage. It started out with actors and dancers on the stage... then massive puppets came out, brought the show at first to the audience, then into the park, then over to another stage 100m away before the actors and dancers reentered on the new stage to perform with the puppets. Totally bizarre -a little hard to follow the plot, but absolutely amazing and memorable never the less. How that guy was able to do 10 secs of break dancing, bouncing on one arm, I'll never know!


  1. So Denmark is expensive huh? Wait until you get to Sweden, it's meant to be one of the most expensive countries in the world!

  2. Wow so you really found a circus museum - how neat!

  3. Is Carlsberg expensive there? Mmmm, it's the best "reasonably-priced" beer here in Malaysia.

  4. Yeah well Carlsberg is pretty reasonably priced because it's domestic here. But part of the reason I was drinking it was I got burnt by the "try a random tap beer" a couple of times in a row. The worst one was when I got a Strongbow -which turns out to be a cider... mixed in amoungst the beer taps! How rude :o)
