Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A whole load of tartan! (25th July)

The day is stunning, but we are not fooled and pack our jackets just in case liquid sunshine appears. First stop is Holyrood Park and the reason for our extra day in Edinburgh - The Gathering 2009. A highland games event and the biggest clan meeting ever! Because there wasn't a lot going on in the morning session -we decided to walk up Arthur's seat, right beside the park. Arthur's Seat is actually the bigger mountain behind where we ended up -but the views were apparently better from where we went -and we weren't arguing! Back at the Gathering we watch a couple of Highland games events (this is world championship) and cheer for Hellier, the one New Zealand athlete of the eight competing. Next up is a pipe band, but not just any pipe band the biggest pipe band we'd ever seen! They play two songs and then stop. About 5 minutes pass and we are wondering what is happening and why are we waiting (again). Next thing HRH Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla Parker Bowles appear walking along the field. We find out that they are the official patrons of the event and Charles gives a speech which officially opens the games. Overall we thought the games were very disorganised. The MC was telling us who was up next and then no one was ready to go. So the wait between some of these highlights was up to 40 minutes. Due to this and that the cable throwing would be ages away, we decided to call it a day and head up the Royal Mile to explore Edinburgh castle.
We didn't think we'd have enough time to do the audio tour and instead bought the guide book, which will be a keepsake forever too! They offer free tours which was interesting to hear about the different buildings in the castle and when they were built and why. After the tour we were able to wander through and explore ourselves. The crown jewels are located in the castle so we checked out the crown, scepter and sword which were all used in the coronation of Mary, Queen of Scots. We check out the oldest building in the castle and in fact Edinburgh - St Maragaret's chapel. We explored until 6pm when the castle closed and managed to see everything we wanted to making it a good decision to leave the games! At 8pm, it's back up the road to check out the parade of clans to the Castle. There is some event on tonight in which they've all bought tickets. But it also means that the clans get to walk up the royal mile behind their clan name. It is like the Olympic opening ceremony in Santa Parade style as we are so close. Lots of people are wearing their tartans and there are bag pipe bands spread throughout. It is really fun! We stay for about 30 minutes and decide that it will go on for hours, is not too exciting and so we head back to the hostel to chill. We need an early night because we are up at 5:45am tomorrow to head to Dublin.
Btw -a good snack is a Twisted bar (chocolate with creme egg filling) washed down with Irn Bru!

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm - Irn Bru! Sounds like a great day! Well done for timing your trip to be there for the Gathering. Have fun in Ireland.
