Thursday, July 16, 2009

Enjoy the ride... Have a six flags day! (13th July)

Well this is a totally cliche blog today, I'm writing this while watching our clothes spin around in the closest laundromat to the Spaceshoe house, having just come from the diner (for breakfast at noon) and thinking about going to central park for a stroll later in the day. Yesterday was outstanding - made so once again by the insight Jason and his friends have been able to provide. First we met Freddy who was carrying a well laden chiller bag, which for some reason we stopped and added 2 cans of coke to... worked out fine as it meant we could pick up breakfast of bacon, egg and cheese rolls. Regular coffees to go (which Shona desperately needed) were had in the subway while the boys navigated the rabbit warren of stations with ease. They wouldn't tell us where we were going and so we found ourselves sitting on a bus... the mystery unfolding as Shona spied Six Flags on the destination list. An hour to the park zipped by with a trip through the Lincoln tunnel under the Hudson and into New Jersey the garden state, lots of green countryside to spectate. When we got there the purpose behind the coke cans became apparent as they each had a 2 for 1 park entry on the side, not bad to save about fifty bucks for the cost of a can of coke! An absolute must of any busy Six Flags fun park (even on a Monday) is the Flash Pass. I promise it'll be the best $13pp you spend - as we managed around 18 rides in the day... not possible without bypassing the up to 2 hour queues. The world's highest roller coaster was sadly not available (which Mike joked was a saviour when he saw where it went and heard you have views back to Manhattan) but El Toro has been consistently rated in the top 2 in the world and is always Jason's favourite -totally understandable because it never lets up a screaming ride the whole way around! Shona's favourite was Superman - maybe because we sang the theme the whole way round with flying arms outstretched, Freddy must have been inspired by Batman as he later bought the cape (although squirting people on the log flume seemed to give him the most delight) and Mike loved the surprise ending on Nitro enough to be surprised both times we rode it! Shona's least favourite was the Teacups - mainly because Mike exacted revenge from the log flume by making it spin at an almost uncontrollable pace. Fiona -the tiger display was great and we thought of you when the white tiger came out. Bonus highlight of the day had to be the FULL ON picnic that Freddy had packed... mental note: never turn down a picnic in the park when Freddy is involved. Near miss of the day: missing the last NYC bus and only JUST catching the bus that got there via Newark. So Fiona - hopefully your concerns about Mike never being to Disneyland have been somewhatabbated - his fear of heights has been adequately fed over the last 3 or 4 days!


  1. Woo hoo - more roller coasters!

  2. No roller coasters here but we had a 6.6 (richter) earthquake last night - pretty good shaking of doors and ornaments!

  3. Mike's parents did take him to Disneyland but he was only eight months old and he doesn't remember it!! Glad you had such a fabulous day. Yes, Jason and his friends certainly know how to give visitors a great New York experience. THinking of you.

  4. Oh yes -I do let everyone know that I went to Disneyland before I was one... the consensus is that it doesn't count until you're old enough to get "It's a Small World" stuck in your head!
    Thanks for all of the comments and emails everyone, very much appreciated :o)

  5. Hmmm - looks like a great day was had by all. Can't help wondering why it is called Six Flags but I am sure there is a logical reason for that. Also not so sure about subjecting the human body to scary heights like that - do you think it is taking away your fear or fueling it Mike? Love the people dryer - facilities like that may be handy for Bren and Tei in the Monsoon season
