Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Speedbump (18th July)

This definitely wasn't the best day of our trip and I think the stresses of travel finally caught up with us. The nutbar customer and crazy owner at the laundromat, the crappy waitress at the French cafe, the afternoon of walking between shops only to find that no where seemed to have shorts long enough to cover Mike's knobbly chicken legs (required for European churches) and the fact that we needed to find a bag to ship home cargo with Mindy and Tim all built up over the day. Sometimes a blowout is needed -and ultimately, you just have to look back on days like this and laugh...


  1. Ha ha - wait til you meet some actual FRENCH waitresses! And yes, the last thing God needs to see in his 'place' is your knobbly white legs Mike!

  2. The laundromat near Jason's place? She's probably still fuming from when I traipsed in snow when I was there. :o
