Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lifestyles of the rich and famous (9th October)

The morning is very lazy as we start to arrange our bags for the flight home. This includes creating a bag of things to throw away. Mike has already chucked a shirt which has shunk due to the hot water washes that Europeans love, but there are other things like our laundry detergent and face cleanser which will not make the homeward journey. With everything organised we set out to the Gare Routire (the main bus station) in the middle of town. On the way we pick up one of our favourite meals to have in France - a baguette, a wedge of brie and some shaved jambon (ham). It's definitely a deja vous moment to eat this yummy meal at the same park that we had a similar meal at around 2 months ago. From the bus station we catch the 100 bus for 45 mins to the small principality of Monaco. If you want to become a resident one must pay a fee of one million euros to be considered (anybody else having a deja vous moment?). Monaco is ruled by the Grimuldi family and they have ruled Monaco for over 700 years. If there is no heir to rule over Monaco then Monaco will become a part of France. However the next heir to the throne is Princess Caroline, Prince Albert's sister and her bloodline. We get off the bus outside the casino and check out the collection of cars that probably cost more than our house - Ferrari, Mazerati and Porsche. We aren't going in this time, partially because we aren't interested in gambling and partially because we're wearing jandals and wouldn't make it in even if we wanted to. Instead, we have a look around the gardens and have a spy on all of the massive super yachts in the marina. It's pretty amazing how the other half can live. After we've oggled enough boats we head back to Nice to shop for our niece, Laura. Walking along the Nice beach promenade we notice that it is no where near as packed as it was a few months ago. However the heat has gone from the sun and the weather appears to be turning (a few spits of rain) so we head home after our final European kebab. Back at the villa it's a relaxing evening writing remaining blogs and winding down ready to leave Europe tomorrow.


  1. And that's the end of Europe for this trip! Are you sad to be leaving - or glad to be coming home?

  2. A bit of both -we'd like to do more travel... but having a break at home is now due :o)
