Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Look out Berlin! (11th September)

It's a travel day again and our guide today is a Kiwi (YAY) - Sheree is pretty excited to be taking us through to Berlin, Germany's capital city. She tells us how after the second world war the allies (USA, Great Britian, France and Soviet Union) didn't want another German dictator to rise again, so in 1945 they split Berlin into four sectors to be ruled by each one. As the Russians had communism rule, that meant that the Russian section or East Berlin was communist whereas the other three sectors had democratic rule. At the same time Germany was split in half with the East being governed by the Russians as communists and the West being governed with democracy. Picture a map, split with East and West, however Berlin is actually in the middle of East Germany. So West Berlin which had democratic rule was termed the island in the sea of red (the colour of communism). In order for West Germans to travel to the 'island' by vehicle they had to go through East Germany. As such 3 checkpoints were created: 1. Checkpoint Alpha on the East / West German border; 2. Checkpoint Bravo on the East German / West Berlin border; and 3. Checkpoint Charlie on the East / West Berlin border. They've created a truckstop next to Checkpoint Alpha (at Marienborn) and turned the old checkpoint into a museum. It's the perfect place for a bus break. Unfortunately we only have 30 minutes and it's not long enough to fully check out the museum, but we get an idea of how strict the checks and crossings were. You had to have your passport which went away to a room to be checked and identified. Cars were driven onto a pit (like getting your WOF) and checked from underneath for any evidence or people you might be trying to smuggle out of East Germany. It was very intense as they would take out luggage, even unscrew the lights in the fronts of cars. We saw pictures as to where people would hide in the cars - in custom made double suitcases, above the wheel rims and in the doors, all to get out of East Germany. Once you've been cleared at Checkpoint Alpha you are given a time stamp in which you have to be at Checkpoint Bravo by. So after going through the rigmarole at Checkpoint Alpha you speed to Checkpoint Bravo in order not to be late as doing so would mean you are accused of being a spy. However arriving early meant that you were speeding so as you went through the checkpoint you were also slapped with a speeding ticket - charming! Upon arrival at the hostel in East Berlin we are told that it's a great night because they are having a summer party which involves free beer and burgers. Sweet - dinner and tonight's activity are sorted! We have a great time talking to other busabouters and enjoying the delicious burgers on offer. Mike has four!


  1. Frightening to think that they went to all that trouble to 'share' out a city!

  2. Nice explanation of how things operated in those days of division - never knew it was so complicated. I learn so much from reading your blogs!!!
