Thursday, September 3, 2009

Escape from Madrid (30th August)

Ok so it's another travel day -and it's a pretty big one with 8 hours on the bus from the heart of Spain, north to almost the French border. All 6 people in our room are on the same ride, so we're all able to get up at the same time and get organised together without having to tiptoe around. We're pretty glad to be getting out of this frustrating hostel and to be moving on from a pretty underwhelming stay in Madrid. We spend some of the time on the bus checking out the Spanish scenery and some of the time watching Love Actually... Shona still gets a little teary eyed even though we must have each seen it about 10 times (thank goodness for sunglasses)! We have our first Busabout "Photostop" which basically means it's a lunch stop, but isn't somewhere that you can stay overnight -but also isn't just a Motorgrill. The place is Burgos and apparently it's of historic significance because some famous Spanish heroes were buried there and because it was on a pilgrimage route through Spain. As far as we were concerned it was just a small Spanish city with a reasonably cool cathedral (that we weren't motivated to go into) and some small shops. Was nice to have a wander around and we had a meal in a small pub with some really friendly staff. We get into San Sebastian before 4pm and promptly get directed the wrong way by the Busabout staff to our street. Even though it had been a few hours since Mike had glanced at the map, he had the suspicion that it wasn't the right way -so when we hit the main river and it was obviously wrong, it didn't take him long to have another look at the map a fix the mistake. The "hostel" we're staying at it is a bit of a weird one, it's not so much of a hostel as it is an apartment building that's been partially rented out. Apparently that's very common throughout San Sabastian, however it's hopefully less common to be put in a room that doesn't open from the inside! We have a bit of a freak out because there's no one else in the building when we realise that we're locked in, it's only by very good luck that Mike can get into the room next door via a balcony to free the trapped Princess Shona. We muddle an explanation to the owner when they return (several hours later) and we therefore move and take the next door 7 bedroom dorm for ourselves! Yes -the balcony door is now locked... so hopefully no one else gets put in that first room! Busabout has 2 for 1 drinks at a local bar (although it later transpires that this is just the regular deal for anyone at the bar) so the place gets packed out by Kiwis and Aussies and the very unSpainish music keeps us there till around 1am. Most food places are shut when we head home -but there's a place called "disco burger" that Chad spots that is a great finish to a night out. We try not to make too much noise when we get back to the accommodation...

1 comment:

  1. I bet you were stoked to find out that you had to balcony jump to get out of the room Mike! Nice self pic of youse guys - you have quite a tan developing Shona!
